A Family For Ian

Hiccups and sneezes and things out there,
What do you see, my bright eyed boy?
Two brothers to greet you,
        one creamy, one crunchy,
        both into peanut butter
              and big wheels
                    and hot wheels
                          and cart wheels
                                and falling down
        and much, much more too new for you to know,
               though know you will.
The big furry with the wet tongue,
        the little furry with the noisy bark,
              the littlest furry with the tickly whiskers.
A big sister who feels like Mom
        but doesn't work.
Mom, who has it all and does it all.
Dad, who does most of it too
        but feels lots lumpier.
And once a week
        a big room full of people
              full of talk.
They are your bigger family, Ian Wesley,
        something to understand not today,
              but tomorrow.

R. W. Park
Dec. 10. 1982

(Published in the Feb. 8, 1983 issue of Prairie Fire, newsletter of
Prairie Unitarian Universalist Society, Madison WI)


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