PAGE ONE                                 
       (by family) = THE LEONARD FAMILY TREE = (by generations)           
WWL began his Mother's "Weekes Family Tree" building `way back' in March   
1975. This Leonard Family Tree got a bit of exposure on his Canada West   
trip of 1989. Since then, mostly in reaction to the nonadaptability of the
"Family Tree Maker" computer program, he's found "Word Perfect" fills every
demand made by the Weekes Family Tree principle followed here. "Everyone"
still deserve their own Historical Pages.                                  
But like the tree, families have trunks & branches, perfect support for
leaves, like perfect historic pages!! In this family tree, each person
will have as many leaves (pages) as needed to grow as a leaf or branch of
LEONARDT.REE 's `family tree'. The comparison breaks down somewhat but
still the first `trunk' has grown for six generations so far.  Wm Mark
Leonard's parents Francis Edward & Mary Ann (Mark) LEONARD, are given `the
first generation status', by being assigned the first numeral, Number One
position in every person's number in LEONARDT.REE.                         

Thus each person's generation is shown by how many numbers his or her 
identification has. Each number's size shows the person's seniority in
their generation: eldest, 1, the next younger, 2. and so on. For instance
WWL's number (1, 1, 5.) shows he's third generstion, the youngest of five.  
That means;  (1) for his grandfather, Francis Edward Leonard, presumed to
be eldest in his first generation column. (1) in the second generation
column also, because WWL's father, William Mark Leonard was eldest of his
second generation family of three, and (5) for WWL, 5th in his third
generation family.                                                          
These letter sized sheets, of two pages each, are but the introduction to
pages needed on `x' numbers of sheets, to describe each `leaf' on this
family tree. Their filename was to have been a fanciful "LEONLEA.VES" name,
to stay within the 11 character limit for filenames of computer
directories. (It seems that later programs allow over 200 characters to be
used in file or folder names!! What a chore too, all that verbiage.)         
Descendants      The Leonard Family Tree  FIRST Generation        Spouses  
...from unknown records.                                                   
 1.  LEONARD, Francis Edward, est.1830\1878                                
                               (M) 1870 MARK, Mary Ann, (18..\1927) 1.MAM  
Descendants      The Leonard Family Tree SECOND Generation        Spouses  
...from Francis & Mary Ann                                                 
11.  LEONARD, William Mark, 1871\1964                           
                               (M) 1910, WEEKES, Edith A, 1875\1959  11.EAW   
12.  LEONARD, Mary Ann 1874\1940                                            
             (M) WATT (est) 1910 John (Jack) Archibald 18..\1947 12.JAW   
13.  LEONARD, Francis (Frank) Edward, 1876\1943                            
                           1906 or 09 BUSHNELL Maggie, 18..\1912  13.MB    
        (Her child died in infancy, before Maggie herself died)            
                         (M) 21,7,1913 HOUGHTON, Lucy. 1890\1979  13.LH    
14.  LEONARD, Thomas, .... 1878\ (died in infancy) ........                
     Wlliam Mark Leonard rememberd only his maternal Grandparents, because 
his Mother cared for his Grandmother "MARK" until she died in 1882 and
Grandfather MARK until his death in 1884. He must have been told that his
Father  Francis Edward had been a carpenter and was a Catholic. because he
could not remember him. Yet he must have been present to `father' the
infant Thomas, before he disappeared.                                       
                               PAGE TWO                                   
Descendants       The Leonard Family Tree   THIRD Generation      Spouses  
...from William & Edith           [1921 and 1945 Family Photos]                                                     
111.  LEONARD, Catherine Edith, 1911\1955                                  
                 (M) 7.9.1935 PARK,Wilford Edison. 1901\1985    111.WEP  
112.  LEONARD, Etheridge William, 1912\1996                                
                 (M) 12.1.1943, SMITH. Adelene Esther, 1914\2008    112.AES  
113.  LEONARD. Evelyn Mary, 1916\2008                                      
                 (M) 27.7.1945 HENDERSON, Eric Patrick, 1914\2006  113.EPH 
114.  LEONARD, Alice Eileen, 1917\2006                                     
                 (M) 15.1.1942/30.7.1974 COWAN, Herbert Nelson,1917\1990   114.HNC 
115.  LEONARD, Wesley Weekes, 1920\2009                                   
                      (M) 18.7.1964 MOOTE, Marie Irene, 1923\2005  115.MIM  
...from Mary Ann & Jack.                                                   
121.  WATT, Clyde,...... 1909\1959                                         
                          (M) --.--.-- DAY, Alice..... 19..\1985,  121.AD  
122.  WATT, Francis (Frank) Edward, 1912\1986.                             
                          (M) 4.3.1938 HUIE Jessie .... 19..\....  122.JH  
123.  WATT, Archie Mcdonald. 1915\1955,                                    
                         (M) --.--.-- LIBKE, Dora....., ....\....  123.DL  
...from Frank & Lucy                                                       
131.  LEONARD, William Mark, 1914\1971,                                    
132.  LEONARD, Kathleen Mary 1920\2004                                     
            (M) 17.6.1944/1950 ROSS, Robert Alexander 1920\1963  132.RAR   
Descendants       The Leonard Family Tree FOURTH Generation       Spouses  
...from Lila & Wilford.                                                    
111s1.  PARK, Betty Maureen, 1931\....                                     
            (M) 19.9.1951\19.12.1972 NEILSON, Murray Morris,1930\.... 111s1.MMN  
            (M) 4.6.1976 PONDER, Charles Alexander, 1930\....  111s1.CAP  
111s2.  PARK. Douglas Wilford, 1933\....                                   
            (M) 9.7.1954 KITTINGER, Nina Ruth,1934\1999 111s2.RNK  
            (M) 6.8.2001 GREEN, Betty Jo, 1942\.... 
...from Catherine & Wilford.         [1949 Family Photo]
1113.   PARK, Winnifred Evelyn, 1938\1938, ................                
1114.   PARK, Robert Watson, 1940\....,                                    
            (M) 4.8.1974\5.11.1979 DOOB, Deborah Kmara, 1949\.... 1114.DKD 
            (M)  11.7.1981 STEINAU, Barbara Carol Gorman, 1944\.... 1114.CGS  
1115.   PARK, James Leonard, 1941\....,                                    
1116.   PARK, Warren Alexander, 1946\....,                                 
            (M)  6.7.1966\9.8.1974 CHAFFEE, Doris Elaine, 1945\.... 1116.DEC  
            (M) (3.9.74) SOLUM, Patricia Louise, 10,2,51\....  1116.PLS  
...from Etheridge & Adelene.                                               
1121.  LEONARD, Etheridge Bruce, 1944\...., ...............                
1122.  LEONARD, Barbara Evelyn, 1947\...., ................                

...from Evelyn & Eric.         [1984 Family Photo]                                              
1131.  HENDERSON, Alastaire Mary, 1947\...., ..............                
1132.  HENDERSON, Jay Patrick 1950\....,                                   
            (M) 19.8.1972 BIDNALL, JoAnne,...1951\.... 1132.JB  
1133.  HENDERSON, Hildegarde Joanne, 1951\...., ...........                
1134.  HENDERSON, Mark Timothy 1955\....                                    
         (M) 7.7.1981\separated VAN MAANAN, Ellen.....19..\.... 1134.EV-M  
         (M) LAWES, Debra Lynn, 1963\....                    1134.D--   

                           PAGE THREE                                 
Descendants   The Leonard Family Tree FOURTH Generation (cont'd)    Spouses 
...from Alice & Bert.                                                      
1141.  COWAN, Judith Elaine, ........................ 1943\...., ........  
1142.  COWAN, Doris Rosalind 1945\....                                     
                                ( ) -.-.-- HILTS  - - 19..\.... 1142.--H   
1143.  COWAN, Hector Llewellyn, 1947\....,                                 
                 (M) 6.9.1975 CRESWICK, Hilda Moira, 19..\....  1143.MMC   
1144.  COWAN, Paul Edward 1949\....                                        
                       (M) 30.-.-- ULOTH, Kate ..... 19..\....  1144.KU    
1145.  COWAN, Graham Ross Leonard, 1960\...., .....................                
...from Wesley & Irene                                                     
1151.  LEONARD, Jonathon Craig, 1966\...., ................                
...from Clyde & Alice.                                                     
1211.  WATT, Clyde (Jr) ..... 19..\1986                                     
                             (M)-.-.-- Eleanor .....19..\....  1211.E..  
1212.  WATT, Gary, ....., 1939\...., ......................                
1213.  WATT, Terry, ..... 19..\....,                                       
                             (M)  VANONI, ....., ..... 19..\.... 1213.V..  
1214.  WATT, Lynn ..... ............................. 19..\...., ........ 
 ...from Frank & Jessie.                                                   
1221.    WATT, John (Jack) Archibald, 1940\....,                           
                            (M) BRIDGE. Margaret .....  19..\.... 1221.MB  
...from Archie & Dora.                                                     
1231.    WATT, Donna ....., 19..\...., ......................              
1232.    WATT, Roberta (Robbie) ....., 19..\...., ...........              
Descendants       The Leonard Family Tree FIFTH Generation         Spouses 
...from Betty & Murray.                                                    
111s11.  NEILSON, Linda Claire, 1953\....                                  
            (M) RHINELANDER (Tony) Laurens Hamilton, 1940\....,111s11.LHR  
111s12.  NEILSON, Jennifer Anne, 1957\....                                 
                            (M) SCOTT, Brian Edward 1956\...., 111s12.BES  
111s13.  NEILSON, Neil Gregory,   ............................ 1959\1973 ..
...from Douglas & Ruth                                                     
111s21.  PARK, Kevin Douglas, 1956\....,                                   
                        (M) STONE, Barbara Anne,1963\....      111s21.BAS  
                        (M) DOUGLAS, Melissa Anne,1963\....    111s21.MAD  
111s22.  PARK, Kathi Renee, 1957\....                                      
                        (M) MAHAN, Jerry Jack, 1956\19??       111s22.JJM  
                        (M) McALLISTER, Daniel Roy, 1956\....  111s22.RDM  
111s23.  PARK, Donavon Richard, 1959\....                                  
                        (M) HUDSON, Gayle Catherine, 1960\.... 111s23.GCH  
                        (M) GUSTOSOM, Shellie Diana, 1960\.... 111s23.SDG  

...from Robert & Deborah Doob then Barbara                                      
11141. Deborah = PARK-DOOB, Robin S, 1975\....,                          
11142. Deborah = PARK-DOOB, Mischa Alan, 1978\....,                         
11143. Barbara = PARK,Ian Wesley, 1982\....,                                
...from Warren & Doris then Patricia.                                      
11161. Doris = PARK, Catherine Melissa, 1966\....                           
11162. Patty = PARK, Jonathan Whittier, 1975\1993.                         
11163. Patty = PARK, Daniel Brandon, 1980\....,                            

                               PAGE FOUR                                   
Descendants   The Leonard Family Tree FIFTH Generation (cont'd)    Spouses 
 ...from Jay & JoAnne                                                      
11321.  HENDERSON, Erica Jaye,  ........................... 1982\...., .... 
11322.  HENDERSON, Avery David, .......................... 1985\...., .... 
...from Mark & Ellen                                                       
11341.  HENDERSON, Valerie Claire,  .....................  1985\...., .... 
11342.  HENDERSON twin   Christine Heather, .............  1988\...., .... 
11343.  HENDERSON twin   Lana Nicole, ...................  1988\...., .... 
...from Doris & Hilts                                                      
11421.  (COWAN), Timothy Leonard Hilts, ...................  1980\.... ..... 
...from Hector & Hilda .......                                             
11431.  COWAN, Moira ....., .............................  19..\.... ..... 
11432.  COWAN, Hannah ....., ............................  19..\.... ..... 
11433.  COWAN, Victoria ....., ..........................  19..\.... ..... 
11434.  COWAN, Georgia ....., .............................19..\.... ..... 
...from Paul & Kate .                                                      
11441.  COWAN, Lilith Ilse, ............................ 1970\...., .... 
...from Eleanor & Clyde Jr. .......                                        
12111.  WATT, Tracey ....., .............................. 19..\...., .... 
12112.  WATT, Sheryl ....., .............................. 19..\...., .... 
 ...from Terry & Vanoni ............                                       
12131.  WATT, 1st son ...., .............................. 19..\...., .... 
12132.  WATT, 2nd son ...., .............................. 19..\...., .... 
12133.  WATT, 3rd son ...., .............................. 19..\...., .... 
12134.  WATT, 4th son ....,   ............................ 19..\....,..... 
...from Jack & Margaret..............                                      
12211.  WATT, Robert John, ............................... 1965\...., .... 
12212.  WATT, Hugh Douglas, .............................. 1968\...., .... 
12213.  WATT, Barabara Jane, ............................. 1970\...., .... 
Descendants       The Leonard Family Tree SIXTH Generation         Spouses 
...from Linda & Tony .....                                                 
111s111.  RHINELANDER, Jason Gregory, .................... 1982\...., .... 
111s112.  RHINELANDER, Lila Elizabeth, ................... 1989\...., .... 
...from Jennifer & Brian .......                                           
111s121.  SCOTT, Leta Kristine, .......................... 1982\...., .... 
111s122.  SCOTT, Michael Neil, ........................... 1984\...., .... 
...from Kevin & Barbara ......                                             
111s211.  PARK, Jennifer Anne, 1975\....                                   
111s212.  PARK, Carrie Renee, 1979\....  ................................. 
...from Kathi & Jerry.  MAHAN twins,                                       
111s221. McALLISTER, Danielle Renee, 1983 ................  
111s222. McALLISTER, Charise Lyn, 1983 ................ 
...from Kathi & Daniel .... 
111s223.  McALLISTER, Christina Nicole, 1989\.... 
111s224.  McALLISTER, Chelsea Megan, 1991\...., .......................... 
 ...from Donavon & Shellie .....                                           
111s231.  PARK, Christopher Douglas, 1995\...., .......................... 
111s232.  PARK, Jonathan Nicholas, 1998\...., ..................................... 

 ...from Catherine Park & Ben Vail .....                                           
111611.  VAIL, Jacob Frazer, 2001\2001, .......................... 
111612.  VAIL, Isaac Jonathan, 2002\...., .......................... 

[Wesley Leonard's 1996 version slightly updated for the Internet June 2000, Aug. 2005, May & June 2007 & May 2009 by Robert Park. All current family data are maintained by Robert Park in a Family Tree Maker file that was started by Wesley. For a copy of that file or a report generated from it, email]
Leonard Links
Writing by William and Edith Leonard, their children, and their grandchildren