686 Spadina Ave.,
Dec. 5, 1938

Dearest Catherine,

Just a wee note before I go to bed and rest up for a busy day to-morrow. Alice and I arrived here at 7:45, having taken a train from Ingersoll. I was dreadfully sorry to add that much more driving to the long journey to S. Cayuga, but it seemed all we could do just then. We are a little weary, of course, but so glad that we could go to Brownsville to-day. I can't say what I mean, somehow, but you know the love and sympathy in my heart, don't you dear? You and Wilford surely showed the perfect faith and trust in Christ - you wonderful, wonderful people! I felt so small and meagre and weak when I saw you both. If ever you have witnessed for your Master it was to-day. Oh, be very, very gentle with yhourself, Catherine, and get all rested up again. My love to Wilford and Betty and Douglas - Clara too.

My heart's love to the bravest sweetest little woman in the world -


P.S. Must write to our Mother, another fo the bravest and sweetest.

Winnifred Farewell